09 July, 2011

The Beginning of Somewhere in the Middle

I've decided that I'll attempt to make a journal of my daily (or more probably weekly) life as I adventure through this vast world. Perhaps, this will help you,  dear reader, to keep track of what I am up to and how I am coping. You can assume that each new post also means I am not homeless... though with wireless internet it may still be a possibility...

The current leg of my journey began at Brisbane International Airport, and is now midway through the itinerary with the next destination being London. A fairly standard flight, with great service, an interesting Taiwanese movie about a night market (watched without sound, but with subtitles, because Death Cab for Cutie just seemed like a better soundtrack). Upon gazing outside, I saw brief flashes of orange in the distance, uncertain of their cause, but likely to be lightning... just of a stranger colour. Sunrise was obscured by the think summer storm clouds of Taipei, a drastic change from the clear blue skies I've been enjoying over the past week.

As I've largely travelled on budget airlines on my last few travels, leg space seems almost unnatural to me, but I certainly not complaining. A break for now, I need to find some decent "ground" food, something I won't be enjoying for another fifteen hours.

I'll see you soon, Betelgeuse.

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